Managing Mobility Issues Now a Top Priority for Keeping Seniors Safe | Michael McCormick & Krishna Ramjattan

AIRED: July 25, 2022

SPECIAL GUEST: Michael McCormick & Krishna Ramjattan

Mobility disabilities do not just affect seniors. Recent research by the CDC reports over 30 million cases in the US alone from age 18 and up. And though the causes vary among the young to middle-aged groups, the number No. 1 cause of mobility impairment for seniors over 60 is from falls.

In addition. the CDC also states that the greatest risk factors for mobility injuries to healthcare workers and family caregivers result from manual lifting, moving and repositioning of individuals into and out of beds and bedside chairs.

Michael McCormick, a well-respected, 30-year neuromuscular therapist, and his business partner Krishna Ramjattan, a successful engineer in the area of medical devices, have witnessed firsthand how their family and friends lost their freedoms to mobility disabilities. In 2021, after much time researching the topic Mike and Krishna’s passion to help others led to a new wellness venture and the introduction the EasyUp adjustable bed to address mobility challenges.

In addition to providing solutions for improved circulation and multi-positioning for pain relief, the Easy Up bed also adjusts for sitting to watch TV, reading, or eating in bed. It’s superior quality memory foam mattress allows for the best sleep possible and most importantly, its state-of-the-art rotating and lifting platform gives the user that extra help they need to safely get in and out of bed in just seconds.

With this bed, you or your loved one can maintain your freedom, in style and comfort


Mike McCormick is a proud veteran, retired firefighter and successful real estate entrepreneur who found his calling in helping physically injured people with neuromuscular therapy. His passion comes after an unfortunate injury from 35 years ago where doctors had to detach, rebuild and reattach his leg. After many attempts to recover, he found that the best road to recovery is neuromuscular massage, hence he became a neuromuscular therapist and started his practice 30 years ago in Huntington Beach, CA.


Krishna Ramjattan, is an electrical engineer who has worked in the linear motion business for over a decade. Within this business, he has worked in a myriad of industries including off-highway equipment, marine, factory automation, robotics and medical. While working in the medical industry, Krishna learned of many mobility devices that could have helped his aging family members including his grandmothers, father, and uncle stay independent longer. He watched his family struggle with caretakers and movement and thought if his family knew about these devices they would not need to rely on others to move around. He then became passionate about finding the best mobility devices.

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