kim dower

AIRED: May 14, 2023


Kim Dower

Kim Dower has published five collections of poetry. Her most recent, I Wore This Dress Today for You, Mom, (April, 2022) was called “fantastic” by the Washington Post and “unreservedly recommended” by The Midwest Book ReviewAir Kissing on Mars, her first was described by the Los Angeles Times as, “sensual and evocative . . . seamlessly combining humor and heartache.” Slice of Moon was called “unexpected and sublime,” by “O” magazine, Last Train to the Missing Planet, “poems that speak about the grey space between tragedy and tenderness, memory and loss, fragility and perseverance,” said Richard Blanco, and Sunbathing on Tyrone Power’s Grave, won the 2020 Independent Publishers Book Award Gold Medal for Poetry. Kim was City Poet Laureate of West Hollywood from October 2016 – October 2018. Her work has been featured in numerous literary journals including PlumePloughshares, RattleThe James Dickey Review, and Garrison Keillor’s “The Writer’s Almanac,” and her poems are included in several anthologies, notably, Wide Awake: Poets of Los Angeles and Beyond. She teaches poetry workshops for Antioch University, UCLA Extension Writer’s Program, West Hollywood Library and the Los Angeles LGBT Center.

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