Craig BeyerAIRED: February 6, 2012– 11 am PST

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TITLE: “Heaven or Health: A Doctor’s Plan to Save our Health & Health Care System


Read More About Heaven or Health

Allen and Dr. Melody discuss with Dr. Craig Beyer how each year, instead of spending our dollars on things that we know will keep us healthy such as nutritious foods, exercise, and time off from work, we spend more of our dollars to fund health care conglomerates (private and government) so that they can control the “best” way to spend and ration these dollars for us (right down to a $65 medical office visit). In effect, by participating in the status quo, we’ve given away our unalienable right (to stay healthy) to self-interested third party payers. Look at the healthiest person you know – is this person healthy because he carries the most expensive health insurance plan or participates in a large, government guaranteed health care system? This book uncovers the flaws of the health care debate and shows the reader how to work within our current medical system to regain control over their individual health and well being.

About the Author
Craig F. Beyer, D.O. Co-authored the original scientific paper for the American Medical Association describing the LASIK procedure for the Journal of International Ophthalmology published in 1991. He then traveled the world training top refractive surgeons in the latest advances in LASIK. Was one of the first 10 surgeons in the United States authorized by the FDA to perform excimer laser vision correction. Has personally performed tens of thousands of vision correction procedures and over 15,000 LASIK procedures.


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