Lee Gerdes


AIRED: June 4, 2012– 11 am PST

Available for 6-6-12  PLAY | DOWNLOAD

TITLE: “Limitless You: The Infinite Possibilities of a Balanced Brain”

SPECIAL GUEST: Lee Gerdes, Founder and CEO of Brain State Technologies

Read More About Lee Gerdes and “Limitless You”

According to Lee Gerdes, there are a lot of ways to think about a balanced brain, but one important aspect is balance in the autonomic nervous system. Allen, Dr. Melody and Lee Gerdes discuss the inner working of the brain where the right side of the brain manages “fight-flight” response; left side manages “rest-digest-freeze.”  In a balanced brain, neither of those sides is excessively dominant over the other. Lee was moved to write the book and start the company because he believes that people will be more compassionate with one another when they understand that our brain drives our behavior — and that traumas to the brain, body or emotion can negatively alter brain patterns, causing us to behave in ways we would rather not.



Brain State Technologies’ System for Brainwave Optimization with RTB (Real Time Balancing) is a breakthrough technology designed for relaxation, self-regulation and meditation. Ultimately, this process produces personalized exercises to balance and optimize your brain.

Leading the field in the brain fitness sector, Brain State Technologies® offers a powerful and effective program for improving brainwave function.

“People all over the world are benefiting from emerging knowledge about the ability of the brain to balance itself,” said CEO Lee Gerdes. “Our technology harnesses the power you have within your own brain to help yourself.”

Our non-invasive, non-drug modality can help with clarity of thinking, creativity and performance. It can help your child’s ability to learn. It can help with pain, stress, sleeplessness, and sadness. With almost 170 centers across the world, there’s a Brainwave Optimization™ center near you.

Nearly 40,000 people in 18 countries – with the number growing every day – have enthusiastically reported a renewed love of life after experiencing Brainwave Optimization™

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