AIRED: May 27, 2013– 11 am PST
TITLE: “THE ART OF A SILLINESS: A Creativity Book For Everyone “
SPECIAL GUEST: Carla Sonheim
Anyone looking to get back in touch with their creative side should speak with Creativity Workshop instructor Carla Sonheim, whose fun and innovative ideas help adults recover a spontaneous and playful approach to life.
Carla Sonheim’s joins our audience to share her innovative new book, THE ART OF A SILLINESS, which offers dozens of fun, engaging ideas and activities that will inspire everyone to recover their childlike sense of wonder. From drawing upside down to imagining different worlds, Sonheim presents different ways of being creative that will open up new worlds to you and your family. In her interactive and whimsical book, Sonheim helps spark our imaginations to embrace a fun and fearless approach to life and art.
Carla Sonheim is an artist and creativity workshop instructor known for her fun and innovative projects and techniques. A popular teacher for Artfest, Art & Soul, and similar workshop venues, as well as online courses, she specializes in helping adult students recover a more child-like play approach to creating.
As one student recently put it, “[Being in your workshop] is like being a kid again, but we get to do it as an adult.” Carla’s paintings are showcased in numerous galleries nationwide, as well as in private and corporate collections around the world. She is the author of Drawing Lab for Mixed-Media Artists and Drawing and Painting Imaginary Animals. She currently resides in Seattle, WA.