By any standard, the extent of failed and failing relationships has been at epidemic proportions for quite some time now. This is easily demonstrated by the track record of the huge group of people who took a solemn vow to stay together forever. Even with all of the initial dedication, devotion, and pressure to remain intact, around 50% of all marriages end in divorce, with the rate rising at least 10% with each subsequent marriage.
And what about all the unhappy marriages that would mercifully end if not for situational circumstances? Since they haven’t figured out how to fix their relationship with each other, many couples feel emotionally imprisoned. They stay in a miserable, often mostly sexless marriage just because they feel financially trapped, don’t want to upset or leave their children, or simply don’t want to be on their own.
Of course, partners in any kind of relationship, including parent and child, will suffer a similar fate until they learn the root cause of relationship issues, and how to resolve them. The vast majority of us have not been properly and effectively taught how to “fix” our relationships.
That’s where “The Melfox Method” comes in. Our guests, Meryl Fox and Joe Mellon, have developed a system that has worked EVERY TIME in resolving whatever issue has come up in their relationship. They have encountered and resolved issues that would have surely ended the relationship had it not been for “The Melfox Method”. Because they have this relationship-saving tool in their back pockets, they can confidently state that they have the greatest relationship of all time. And so can you.
With Meryl’s help, Joe wrote the book Curiosity Killed the Spat and produced the on-line course Shiny Happy Couples to introduce “The Melfox Method” to anyone looking for answers regarding the “proper care and feeding” of relationships.
As Joe likes to say: “I would be nowhere near the happy man I am today without Meryl, and she would be nowhere near me without The Melfox Method.”
Joe Mellon is a Certified Marriage Educator, author and lecturer. In previous lives he’s been an industrial engineer, controller, mail-order clerk, and systems manager. In future lives, Joe hopes to explore video production and perhaps run a pizza joint with karaoke.
When he’s not reconciling bank accounts or writing about reconciling relationships, Joe can be seen surfing the web for new and exciting stuff, playing with his three sons, or watching Jeopardy! or playing Team Trivia with Meryl. He is still in mourning from Albert Pujols’ decision to leave the St. Louis Cardinals.
Meryl Fox is the other half of The Resentment Dumpers and was an integral part of developing The Melfox Method. Meryl brings some serious life skills to the table as a former Radio DJ, Philly girl and soccer mom supreme.
Meryl now focuses her spare time and energy on spreading the word about the joys and validity of resentment-free relationships.