AIRED: May 28, 2020
SPECIAL GUESTS: Ask! The Bridge from Your Dreams to Your Destiny | Mark Victor Hansen & Crystal Dwyer Hansen
Your dreams become your destiny when you learn the secret art of asking!
Most people have beautiful dreams deep inside—the things they would like to have, the relationships they’d love to enjoy, and the wellness and well-being that would help them express their best, in every way. But often those dreams lie buried inside us. Hidden by fear or unworthiness or a lack of awareness of what could be. Asking is the only language to which the Universe can deliver a solution, understanding, illumination, or a plan.
There are three distinct channels through which we can ask: Ask Yourself, Ask Others, and Ask God
Mark Victor Hansen and Crystal Dwyer Hansen’s new book, ASK! The Bridge From Your Dreams to Your Destiny, is a self-help journey about learning the art and science of asking questions and how it can completely transform your life. It starts by introducing the idea of a bridge that leads from your dreams to your destiny.
Join us in a revolutionary concept at a time we need it most … as Mark and Crystal describe how ASK! opens a portal to rekindling those dreams and moving through them toward your greatest destiny—with a simple tool that everyone has at their disposal once they learn to use it through the ASK! journey.
Mark Victor Hansen has soothed millions of souls through his Chicken Soup for the Soul series. Now Mark, with his beloved wife, Crystal Dwyer Hansen, has created the most compelling book of this decade with Ask! Chicken Soup for the Soul book series and brand, set world records in book sales, with over 500 millions books sold.
Having spoken to over 6000 audiences world-wide, Mark captures his audience’s attention as well as their hearts. His credentials include a lifetime of entrepreneurial success, alternative energy pursuits, in addition to an extensive academic background and undergraduate study with the famous Buckminster Fuller, one of Albert Einstein’s greatest students.
He is also a prolific writer with many popular books such as the Power of Focus, The Aladdin Factor, Dare to Win, One Minute Millionaire. Mark’s energy and exuberance travels still further through mediums such as television (Oprah, CNN and The Today Show), print (TIME, US News & World Report, USA Today, The New York Times and Entrepreneur) and countless radio and newspaper interviews.
Mark and Crystal are enthusiastic crusaders of what’s possible and are driven to “make the world work for 100 percent of humanity.”