Dr. Gloria WaltherAIRED:  Feburary 2,  2014– 11 am PST


TITLE: “Eye to Eye, Connect and Engage in Effective Joyful Parenting”

SPECIAL GUEST:  Dr. Gloria Walther


As the title suggests, Dr. Gloria Walther’s new book, Eye to Eye, advocates the benefits of respectfully interacting with children at their own level, both physically, by adjusting to face them at their eye line, and emotionally, by viewing situations in terms of their young perceptions.

With tried and true testimonials to support her methods, Dr. Walther focuses on the consistent practice of providing constant love, respect, honor and encouragement.

Parents can refer to the Eye to Eye for guidance to constructively modify immediate behavior problems, and the lessons are designed to additionally develop lifelong social and Eye to Eye.

Walther first illustrates her methods by sharing actual stories from her preschool work that successfully (and often humorously) convey the undesirable behavior or emotional struggles of the child, the methodical response from the adult and the thought process that leads the children to improved behavior.

Parents reading the book will spend a great deal of time reflecting on their own behavior, even beyond the parent-child dynamic, because Walther’s approaches can also be interpreted as simply a proper, caring, kind way for people to treat each other in general.


Our guest today, Dr. Gloria Walther has been getting our babies off to a strong start for over 40 years. Her masterful, loving, and unique teaching techniques encapsulate the wisdom of her four decades of being Eye to Eye with thousands of pre-schoolers.

At last available to all in a four volume set, Eye to Eye: The Handbook on Lovingly and Successfully Parenting Your Three-to-Five Year Old Child – The Handbook that Didn’t Come with Them, will forever change the way parents and educators can connect with young children and set the path to their life’s success.

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