Peter BaksaAIRED:  July 28,  2014– 11 am PST


TITLE:  “Faith Wave: I Think… Therefore It Is”


In Faith Wave, Peter Baksa reveals that every one of us has a capacity of becoming a superhuman by ‘training’ our brain to achieve anything we desire and become the best version of ourselves.

The idea is that we create our lives using our thoughts, which are essentially energy that can be measured in frequency and can be shown to be a wave of a particular frequency. The life situations, people, and matter that we manifest are directly related to the frequency of our thoughts. We attract who we are. This seemed to fall into place without disrupting any of our current scientific theories that describe the universe.

Join Peter has he describes how Faith Wave gives the reader a path, which if followed, will be the most direct efficient path to manifest the life that one desires. By following a simple sequence “Intend, Declare, and Detach,” you can, at will, and without concern for your current state of affairs begin to respond to life situations with “right action.”.


Our guest today, Peter Baksa, is an nationally-recognized author, journalist, master life coach.  He has traveled the world collecting scientific research and life experiences that lead to the development of a technological model that illustrates how humans manifest their reality.  Now he is sharing his insights to help others discover how they can begin to hone in on their desires, set an intention and declare a set of behaviors that are in alignment. Finally, Baksa asserts that we must detach from the intention and allow the same source energy that creates worlds from nothingness – to help organize and attract all the needed ingredients allowing said desire to become manifest.

Through his books, workshops, and seminars, Peter Baksa’s expertise helps people transform their relationships, careers, finances, health, and even their appearance. Peter speaks on a variety of topics, including the physical, mental, and dietary lifestyle changes that can help you harness the energy of the universe and live the life you desire.

Peter has written several books, including: “The Point of Power”, “It’s None of My Business What You Think of Me”, and “Think Yourself Young” and his latest addition: Faith Wave.

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