Tova Leigh - F_D at 40

AIRED: July 6, 2020


“I was bored, angry, tired and sad. I felt all alone yet I had nothing to complain about. I had a good job, a husband who as far as I could tell wasn’t shagging his assistant, three children who apart from being the occasional assholes were pretty good kids; a house, a dog and everything else we are told as little girls we should aspire to.

But inside, I was growing restless. I was sick of having the same dull conversations about meal plans and kid-friendly holidays. I was frustrated with having the same married sex I’d been having for the past seven years, or not having any sex at all. I didn’t want to be looked at as just a ‘mom’. I wanted to be desired, to make someone’s hair stand on end and go crazy for me. I didn’t want to live by some label that didn’t represent me.

I looked at my messy minivan one morning and I wanted to vomit on it all. I panicked, thinking about how I am slowly approaching middle age and the menopause, and I wondered how many years do I have left of being ‘f**ckable’ before everything starts going downhill?”

Tova Leigh breaks out of the ‘mom box’ in her candid appraisal of marriage, fidelity, sexuality, parenting and body image. She boldly dares to challenge expectations of women in society today, exposes hard truths, demands authenticity and encourages us all to breathe new air and shout HERE I AM.

Buckle up for a white-knuckle ride through the turbulent straits of motherhood and the urgency of an awakening libido. This book is a rallying cry for every woman that has ever felt trapped in a life she didn’t sign up for and can barely recognize.


TOVA LEIGH began her successful blog ‘My Thoughts About Stuff‘ in 2016 as a way to talk about parenting, body image, and being free of boundaries.

As a writer, performer and content creator, her shamelessly open and honest video rants, articles and her podcast #Nailed, Tova has rapidly built a global online community of 1.2M followers across Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

Tova’s viral online series Mom Life Crisis resonated with millions of women across the world and later became a documentary film on Amazon Prime Video. Her up-front, humorous, and honest message has earned her a loyal global following and you can catch her epic, crazy adventures in ‘Tova Leigh Mom Life Crisis’ on Amazon Prime Video.

Tova is taking her raw humour on stage on a UK, US, Canada and Israel tour and her first book: F*cked at 40: Life Beyond Suburbia, Monogamy and Stretch.

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