AIRED: April 11, 2022
SPECIAL GUEST: Michael P. Cohen
You really CAN change your brain without medication. Maybe you’ve struggled for years with anxiety, depression, ADHD, migraines, PTSD, obsessive thinking, sleep issues, or other unwanted conditions. You’ve tried medication, psychotherapy, breathing techniques, yoga, exercise, or dietary changes—with no permanent relief.
Neurofeedback is an emerging technology that’s helped thousands of people feel better—without medication. It allows you to gently nudge your brain along through training until it learns to operate in a healthier manner. It is a form of biofeedback that’s like a gym for your brain. The training improves your brain’s timing which, in turn, improves its functioning. When your brain works better, you feel better. It’s like heavy-duty weight training for the brain, even though you do it while relaxing in a chair. Once you’ve done sufficient training, these improvements are often long-term.
Join us as Michael P. Cohen explains how his new book, Neurofeedback 101, can change your brain–in clear, simple terms. It’s full of real cases of how training has helped children and adults with their symptoms. There’s a section that offers a thorough discussion of important questions and issues about neurofeedback – designed both for professionals and consumers.
People frequently ask Michael Cohen how he got into the field of neurofeedback. He tells us that it involved a family crisis in which his dad had been suffering for years from a severe type of depression. He’d been treated with medication, psychotherapy, dietary changes—even shock therapy. Nothing worked.
The road in Mike’s desperate quest to help him led to neurofeedback. He felt they had nothing to lose, so they tried it. In a short time, he had improved so dramatically that I gave up my lucrative career in high-tech and opened a neurofeedback clinic in 1996. To this day, he marvels at the ability of this technology to change lives. Wanting to help people to learn about neurofeedback, he wrote Neurofeedback 101.
A leading expert in brain biofeedback, he’s helped thousands of clients and taught neurofeedback to more than 2,500 physicians and mental health professionals around the world. His clinic in Jupiter is one of the largest neurofeedback practices in South Florida. Please visit Mike at his website www.centerforbrain.com