Many years in the making, Dr. Elson Haas’ new book Staying Healthy with NEW Medicine provides for better health with a deep understanding of what creates disease in the body-mind. The integration of Natural, Eastern, and Western medicines offers a clearer insight into many crucial factors that affect health and healing than any one system alone.
In a review by Patrick Hannaway MD – Medical Director, Center for Functional Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic, Dr. Hannaway states, “This book is essential education for all medical students and physicians, as well as anyone who has ever been (or will become) ill. In ‘NEW Medicine‘ the root causes of health creation and disease causation clearly arise from the practical wisdom and vast experience of this pioneer in health and healing.”
Join us as Dr. Elson Haas’ describes his approach to move people into the more positive aspects of what he terms the ‘Disease-Health Continuum’ with better energy, vitality and creativity, helping to create positive health outcome for individuals, families and for the planet on which we all depend.
Hippocrates proclaimed, “Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work.” As a lifestyle-focused and preventive medicine physician, Elson Haas, MD encourages his patients to find that inner source of healing and looks to inspire us to protect our health, honor our bodies, and discover that our health is mostly a result of how we live, and is much more in our own hands than we realize.
The founder-director of the Preventive Medical Center of Marin, Dr. Haas is an integrative family physician with more than 40 years of experience in patient care. As a pioneer in health care, he developed an integrative approach to healing that incorporates Natural, Eastern, and Western medical approaches, or what he calls “NEW Medicine.”
Dr. Haas has written and produced health information and offered courses for adults and children, lectured as a health professor and has authored 11 books on health, nutrition, and detoxification, including Staying Healthy with Nutrition, The Detox Diet, The False Fat Diet, Ultimate Immunity, and the classic, Staying Healthy with the Seasons. His most recent book is Staying Healthy with NEW Medicine: Integrating Natural, Eastern and Western approaches for Optimal Health