Kari O’Driscoll new book, Synopsis of Happy, Healthy Teens: Why Focusing on Relationship Works, offers clear, actionable ways for parents and educators to create and strengthen relationships with teens during a key time of growth and development. With an emphasis on mindfulness, non-violent communication, and rooted in what we know about brain and social development during the adolescent years, this book is a great resource for anyone who is struggling to understand how to support and connect with young people.

It includes practical information and activities designed to help spur adults to reflect on their goals as well as unearth their hidden biases about teens and how to direct them. Happy, Healthy Teens focuses on small ways to make a big difference in how teens see themselves and experience their interactions with us and it will help you be more intentional in your choices as you navigate the challenges of the adolescent years. Creating strong, foundational relationships with young people during these years has an enormous, lasting impact on their ability to become adults who are confident, compassionate, and part of a healthy community.

Drawing on work from thought leaders and researchers such as Brené Brown, Dan Siegel, bell hooks, and Zaretta Hammond, Happy, Healthy Teens can be applied in diverse situations and settings, from home to school to the playing field. The book offers new ways to think about conflict and shared goals, identity development and more.


Kari O’Driscoll is the founder of The SELF Project, an organization that encourages teen-driven conversations to help build resilience, self-awareness, and community understanding. Using science-backed, straightforward tools, curriculum, and support resources, she helps educators, therapists, and parents empower their teens and tweens. She is the author of two books for educators and parents of teens; One Teenager at a Time, and Happy, Healthy Teens: Why Focusing on Relationship Works and a memoir entitled Truth Has a Different Shape.

He was invited to become one of the Founding Fellows of the International Society for Science and Religion (ISSR), the preeminent scholarly organization in this field, based at Cambridge University. He received the Kama Book Award in Medical Humanities from World Literacy Canada (2008), and the “Pioneer Medal for Outstanding Leadership in Health Care” from the Trustees of the HealthCare Chaplaincy Network.

He is an elected member of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, the New York Academy of Medicine, and the Royal Society of Medicine, London. Post served as a co-chair of the United Nations Population Fund conference on spirituality and global transformation.

He is a Professor in the Department of Preventive Medicine at Stony Brook University, and the founder and director of the Stony Brook Center for Medical Humanities, Compassionate Care, and Bioethics. A leader in medicine, research, and religion, Dr. Post’s latest book is a meditation on the meaning of life and the importance of spirituality.

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