Lee Gerdes

By Saleem Rana

Interview by Dr. Melody Foxx
June 4, 2012

A ground-breaking brain training technology can liberate us from many of our limitations. We can be freed from the constraints of insecurity, anxiety, anger, depression, and habits of learned helplessness. We can also break free from relying on drugs or alcohol to cope with the stress in our lives.
The innovator of this brain conditioning system, Lee Gerdes, recently spoke to Dr. Melody Foxx, from Answers for the Family blog, on LA Talk Radio about how this advanced technology can allow the brain to observe where it is out of balance, reorganize itself and begin functioning well.

Frozen Brains, Dysfunctional
Apparently, our amazing brain gets frozen in specific brainwave patterns after a physical or emotional trauma. The brain network is thrown off balance because it goes into survival mode. When the brain limits itself, a person experiences mood disorders and compulsive behaviors.

Using brain optimization technology, the left and right brain, as well as the front and back brain, become balanced and coordinated. Once our brain is rebalanced, emotions stabilize, mental acuity increases, and we experience health and an overall sense of well-being.

Limitless You
Gerdes was motivated to write his book Limitless You because he wanted people to understand that it is our brain that drives our behavior. Ultimately all traumas, whether physical or emotional, adversely alter brain patterns, creating psychological problems and dysfunctional behaviors.

Today, Brainwave Optimization™, a noninvasive way of achieving brain balance and harmony, has helped thousands of people embrace a new life. By optimizing our brain, we can also optimize the entire course of our life.

Besides working with the general population, brainwave optimization has been used to help military personnel who have served in Iraq recover from posttraumatic stress disorder and shell shock, and it has also helped prisoners become compassionate, literate and socially responsible.

Final Thoughts
With Brainwave Optimization licensed providers worldwide and services currently available in almost 200 locations in 18 countries, Gerdes is on a mission to change humanity by offering people the opportunity to live balanced, harmonious, and happy lives by providing a technology to help them function in a more compassionate and intelligent way.

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