TEN WINNING MOVES FOR A BETTER MARRIAGE. What kind of a divorce lawyer writes a book to encourage people not to get divorced?

David W. Erdman has been consulted as a divorce lawyer in 5,000 marriages. In his new book, “The Ten Commandments of Marriage”, he reveals marriage saving lessons learned from those clients that will make a positive difference for those in the audience who are married.

Erdman’s sensitive understanding of all points of view in a divorce—the spouse’s, and the child’s—provides a unique outline for the audience to strengthen a great marriage or revive a troubled one.

As David expresses ever so well, “By reading this book, most likely you’ll never need to meet with a divorce lawyer!”


David W. Erdman is a highly regarded divorce trial lawyer and public speaker in Charlotte, North Carolina where he served on the City Council. As a lawyer who has worked with more than 5,000 divorce clients, Erdman rejects scorched-earth tactics, instead of helping couples facing divorce to find common ground, so they can co-parent successfully or even reconcile.

Erdman’s public presentations number in the hundreds. He has presented the Ten Commandments of Marriage in a picture-filled PowerPoint program to a variety of church and civic-group audiences.

Happily married for more than thirty-five years, Erdman’s goal is to help people, whether clients or audience members, to think strategically about how to improve their marriages.

Erdman’s law degree is from Georgetown University. He also holds an engineering degree from Duke University where he received the university’s top academic scholarship.

In addition to being the author of The Ten Commandments of Marriage, he is a sought-after speaker on marriage topics.

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