Dr Joel FuhrmanAIRED:  June 17, 2013– 11:20 am PST



TITLE: “THE END OF DIABETES: The Eat to Live Plan to Prevent and Reverse Diabetes”

SPECIAL GUEST:  Dr. Joel Fuhrman

Read More “Dr. Joel Furhman”

In Dr. Fuhrman’s new book, THE END OF DIABETES: The Eat to Live Plan to Prevent and Reverse Diabetes, Dr. Fuhrman shows us the top five foods that can protect us from diabetes and serious lifestyle diseases, help us live healthier and longer, and lose weight in the process. His “nutritarian” eating plan has helped thousands of diabetics free themselves from daily insulin injections or oral medications, lose significant amounts of weight, and return to a state of health they didn’t think was possible.

More than 40% of Americans aged 20 and older have either diabetes or prediabetes. Approximately 30% of adults older than 60 have been diagnosed with diabetes. An alarming number of people are unaware that they are diabetic or are in a prediabetic state that will lead to diabetes.


Joel Fuhrman M.D. is a board-certified family physician, NY Times best-selling author and nutritional researcher who specializes in preventing and reversing disease through nutritional and natural methods. Dr. Fuhrman is an internationally recognized expert on nutrition and natural healing, and has appeared on hundreds of radio and television shows including The Dr. Oz Show, the Today Show, Good Morning America, and Live with Kelly. Dr. Fuhrman’s own hugely successful PBS television shows, 3 Steps to Incredible Health!and Dr. Fuhrman’s Immunity Solution! bring nutritional science to homes all across America.

Dr. Fuhrman’s #1 NY Times best-selling book, Eat to Live (Little Brown), originally published in 2003, has sold over 1,000,000 copies and has been published in multiple foreign language editions. In October 2012,Super Immunity (HarperOne) became a NY Times best seller and in January 2013, his latest book, The End of Diabetes (HarperOne) also reached The NY Times list. In addition Dr. Fuhrman has written several other popular books on nutritional science which include: Eat for Health (Gift of Health Press), Disease Proof Your Child (St. Martin’s Griffin), Fasting and Eating for Health (St. Martin’s Griffin), and the Nutritarian Handbook (Gift of Health Press).

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