Bob & Susan KarcherAIRED: October 24, 2016– 11 am PST


TITLE: “Who are the Joneses Anyway? Stop Living Someone Else’s Life and Start Becoming Who You are Meant to Be”

SPECIAL GUEST: Bob & Susan Karcher

At one time or another, most of us have heard the expression “keeping up with the Joneses”, referring to a legendary family that has the world trying to keep up with them. They’re mentioned in tweets, movies, newscasts, articles, blogs, books, and more. They’re mysterious. They seem to be everywhere, but no one appears to have actually met them. Why is that?

Too often we measure success by our accomplishments or the stuff we have accumulated. But life should be about so much more, like discovering who you are, why you are here, and the legacy you create. Think of the possibilities if you started living your life more intentionally, doing more of the things that matter most, and less of everything else. Could life be less hectic? What if you spent more time doing things today that could lead to a better tomorrow, instead of just trying to survive each day? What if you could live more simply, yet more fully?

In Who Are the Joneses Anyway? you are led on your own “Joneses Journey”, asked relevant questions, and encouraged to be brave enough to seek the answers. The real-life approach and practical resources will help you get from where you are to where you want your life to be as you begin thinking less about your “what” and more about your “who.”


Bob and Susan Karcher are the award winning authors of the popular book Who Are the Joneses Anyway?: Stop Living Someone Else’s Life and Start Becoming who You are Meant to be. This book, their first, is a 2016 International Book Award Winner and an Amazon #1 New Release.

Prior to his current roles as an author, speaker, and life coach, Bob worked in executive leadership positions in both the nonprofit and for-profit sectors, including serving as a Chief Operating Officer for two subsidiaries of the Fortune 500 Tribune Company, then owner of the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, and many other print, broadcast, and online media companies.

In addition to her roles as an author and speaker, Susan is an award-winning real estate marketing professional with a passion for helping others through the complex process of real estate transactions. Prior to her current roles, Susan successfully served in senior sales and marketing positions in industries as diverse as fashion, publishing, advertising, and education.

Through their collective work as writers, speakers, and life coaches, Bob and Susan love helping others reach for and achieve more than they ever thought possible with the only life they’ve been given. They have been married for over fifteen years and are blessed to have four children in a growing, blended family. They live in Fullerton, CA.


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