LIVE: March 27, 2023
Ah, the tween years. That uncertain time in a child’s development has many parents realizing that they need to double down on academic focus and watch their children more carefully as they gain more trust and are exposed to more of the world through society and their peers. What is a parent to do though when they are feeling so much pressure to watch their kids, but also want them to gain the confidence they need to move through the world successfully in their teen years and beyond?
Enter Amanda Craig, A family therapist who has seen and experienced much of this in her practice, and has legitimately written the book on it! Her advice is to stop trying to parent and seize the opportunity to connect with your child instead, while they’re still listening and trusting you.
There is a neurological explosion that is taking place before us as tweens experience four significant changes that shake them (and us) to the core. As parents, we’ve already been through it so there’s no visceral reference for what’s happening, only distant memories. For the tweens, this is all brand new and very visceral. Their brains are changing. They feel and experience Who Are You & What Have You Done with My Kid? they do not recognize. They’re hyperaware of themselves. They do not know how to express themselves. Parents still have a “seat at the table” to make positive impressions on their tweens as they prepare them for the teenage years.
In her twenty-plus years as a family therapist, Amanda Craig, PhD, LMFT has worked in a variety of settings including research departments, juvenile correction facilities, high schools, Fortune 500 companies, substance abuse programs, and/or university/college classrooms.
A native of Richfield, Minnesota, Dr. Craig has administered therapy services to tweens, adolescents, adults, couples, and families.
A seasoned public speaker and published author of research papers, her awards and recognition include a Certificate of Appreciation from the New York State Division of Parole (2008), eleven years of service on the Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee of Minnesota (2007), a Certificate of Recognition from the Office of the Governor of Juvenile Justice (2007) and the 2022 YWCA Darien/Norwalk Women of Distinction Award.
She is also a wife, a mother of two, and a woman of faith.