Award-winning memoirist Meg Stafford has an adventurous spirit, and this time she takes us along for the ride. When her daughters venture into terra incognita—one of them meditating in the Himalayas and the other negotiating with the Colombian military—Stafford decides to go too.

In the process, she reflects on her own lifetime of wanderlust and what it means for a parent to love and to let go. Generous, insightful, and deeply funny, Stafford is the ideal tour guide for a journey as big as the world and as intimate as the human heart.

Generous, insightful, and deeply funny, Stafford is the ideal tour guide for a journey as big as the world and as intimate as the human heart.

In Meg Stafford’s new book, Who Will Accompany You? Readers will enjoy perspectives from both daughters, which provides a three-dimensional look at Nepal, Bhutan and Colombia, as well as what it’s like to negotiate relationships between parent and young adults.


Meg Stafford is a writer who loves exploration of all kinds. Her 2011 memoir, Topic of Cancer, won six literary awards (including being named “Best First Book” by the IBPA’s Benjamin Franklin Awards) for its engrossing and hilarious portrayal of surviving and thriving after a life-altering diagnosis of breast cancer.

For 25 years she has been observing how small, remarkable moments enrich our lives in her monthly newspaper column, “A Moment’s Notice.”

As a social worker in private practice, she’s been helping others negotiate the terrain of relationships and connections for over 35 years.

She lives in Massachusetts with her husband, two dogs and one large cat.

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