AIRED: October 21, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: Diane Price & Susan McCollum
Stress, whether an unconscious undercurrent in your life or a rampage of emotions, can make you sick if you don’t manage it. You want to tame the tension in your life, but you don’t know-how. Write Your Stress Away is the place to start. The book introduces you to the revolutionary Write To Be Well four-step method proven to bring relief from stress and optimize your health, simply by writing. The book describes the research behind the method, instructs how to use it, includes compelling true-life stories from Write to Be Well users, and arms you with a unique tool to combat stress now and into the future.
Everyday stress poses major health risks and is considered to be linked to the six leading causes of death in the United States. But as the authors found through their work and the research on the subject, writing heals. There is a direct correlation between writing and reduced recurrences of certain cancers, lower blood pressure for those with hypertension, strengthened immune function, and better blood glucose management for those living with diabetes.
Based on these findings and others, the four-step method found in these pages guides you in naming your stress, affirming a future aligned with your values, creating SMART goals, committing to an action plan, and achieving your desired lifestyle. Thanks to the ease and flexibility of this proven approach, the Write To Be Well method can be tailored to meet your unique needs. Once you learn the four basic steps, you decide how much time you want to spend writing–just a few minutes or a few hours. Learning how to reduce your stress is the first step toward a brighter, healthier future. So, grab a pen!
Diane Price brings her sense of adventure and personal dedication to living life to its fullest with optimal health and wellness to her work.
“Writing things down” became a way of life for Diane at a young age. Intuitively, journal writing became a mainstay for me in navigating the emotional waters of my life while facing the inevitable everyday challenges as well as being diagnosed with cancer over 20 years ago.
In her work as an integrative health coach, she partners with clients to enhance their health, clarify goals and values, develop an action plan for making lifestyle changes using their own inherent character strengths to reach personal goals, and provide the essential support for lasting change.
Susan Ives McCollum, LPC, is a licensed psychotherapist in the Washington, D.C. area and co-creator of Write To Be Well and thegetwellproject.com.
In her one-on-one work with clients, Sue has always incorporated journal writing, gratitude logs, and goal setting in her healing work. She believes writing deepens self-awareness and fosters resilience.
She has seen the transformational power of writing not only in individual work but also in her writing groups and with women around the world.
In 2011, Sue was presented with a “Soroptimist Ruby Award” in recognition of her outstanding work to improve the lives of other women.