Bailey Gaddis - ​Feng Shui Mommy

AIRED: June 12, 2017– 11 am PST

SPECIAL GUEST: Bailey Gaddis – ​Feng Shui Mommy

Before she was a beloved pregnancy blogger, certified birthing doula, and childbirth preparation educator, author Bailey Gaddis met her own pregnancy by buying a bunch of books — which, for the most part, made her even more confused, insecure, and scared.

Feng Shui Mommy: Creating Balance and Harmony for Blissful Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Motherhood is her way of giving pregnant women and new moms a better option.  Adopting the principles and philosophy of feng shui, the Chinese system of a connected inner and outer harmony, this book guides women to their balanced center and supports them in tapping into the primal energies brought forth in the birthing experience.

“This is the book I needed to read when I was pregnant. My pregnancy was unplanned, meaning I was not mentally (or physically or spiritually) prepared for the swift kick in the uterus I got when the test registered positive,” writes Bailey. “Before then, I thought I had been working a healthy, holistic lifestyle, but in reality, I was disconnected and disorganized in mind, body, and spirit . . . . If only I’d had this book — I would have been able to relax and let the various pieces of my life sort themselves out and shift into place. I would have enjoyed my pregnancy with a greater sense of authentic calm, even a sense of fun.”

Feng Shui Mommy offers a holistic approach to pregnancy and child rearing, with chapters dedicated to the mind, body, and spirit for each trimester.  The book is composed of four parts— First Trimester, Second Trimester, Third Trimester, and the Fourth Trimester, which happens to be the first three months after the baby is born. Illustrations enliven the text throughout.

Feng Shui Mommy is an oasis that welcomes all, encouraging each woman to unapologetically embrace her own journey,” writes Bailey. “This book gives you permission to follow your own path to birth and beyond.”.


Bailey Gaddis is a Mother, author of the upcoming book ​Feng Shui Mommy: Creating Harmony Amidst the Chaos for Blissful Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Motherhood, Certified Hypnotherapist, Certified Birthing Doula, HypnoBirthing® Practitioner, IVF coordinator and a contributing writer for Huffington Post, Babble, Your Tango, Cosmopolitan, Good Housekeeping, Redbook, Scary Mommy, Flight Network,  Elephant Journal and more.

Bailey embarked on her immersion in the pregnancy and birthing industry when she began working with the Egg Donor and Surrogacy Agency. In her years working as an Egg Donor and Surrogacy coordinator Bailey developed a deep respect and love for the miracle of pregnancy, childbirth and parenthood.

After many years working with pregnant women and new mothers, Bailey officially joined the club when she became pregnant. She experienced first-hand the multitude of decisions, information and opinions that abounded in the pregnancy, birthing and parenting worlds. Her intuition quickly led her to the birth preparation philosophy of HypnoBirthing® The Mongan Method. She felt at home in this peaceful, supportive and spiritual method and soon had the desire to pass this message on to fellow soon-to-be parents. Bailey became a Certified HypnoBirthing® Practitioner soon after the birth of her son and has been teaching this transformative method of childbirth ever since.

In addition to her HypnoBirthing® classes, Bailey is a Birthing Doula and able to provide a comprehensive support to soon-to-be-parents through early birthing preparation up to, and after, the sacred welcoming of their new baby.

Bailey, a Certified Hypnotherapist, works on a one-to-one basis through her business, Your Serene Life, provides Hypnotherapy, HypnoBirthing and Birthing Doula services. Your Serene Life strives to support individuals and families in their pursuit of serenity, connectedness and mindfulness. And, she loves writing about all the things listed above.

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