Empaths deeply feel the emotions, needs, and pains of those around them, from individuals and communities to the world itself. But this gift can feel overwhelming when they take on the energy and experiences of others as their own. This oversensitivity can lead to mental fog, chronic illness, emotional issues, and spiritual blocks.

In the enclosed advance reading copy of Becoming an Empowered Empath: How to Clear Energy, Set Boundaries & Embody Your Intuition renowned spiritual teacher and author Wendy De Rosa guides readers through a step-by-step process of learning to stop taking on other people’s energy by creating and maintaining their own energetic boundaries so they can fully embrace their intuitive power.

“What is important to know is that doing the work in this book will help you with healing, strengthening your center, holding boundaries, and developing stronger empathic intuition,” writes Wendy. “I want to focus on supporting you to live as an empowered empath so you can ground into who you really are and feel whole as an intuitive being.”

Becoming an Empowered Empath helps readers stop feeling like they are at the mercy of others’ negative energy and empowers them to activate the power of their emotional connection. The deep guided healing journey and practical tools and meditations that Wendy offers lead readers through the process of clearing ancestral karma, contracts, and beliefs so they can release energetic blocks they are holding in their bodies.

“The good news is that empaths are awakening and learning about their empathic nature so they can heal their early-life wounds and fully express their gifts,” writes Wendy. “It is time to fully express and embody your empathic intuition and power.”


Wendy De Rosa is the author of Becoming an Empowered Empath. The founder of The School of Intuitive Studies, she has been helping people develop intuition and experience personal transformation for over two decades.

Wendy is a popular faculty member at the Shift Network and has filmed two programs for MindValley’s spiritual growth channel. She has been featured in Psychology Today, The Huffington Post, The Shift Network, Better Connecticut CBS, Thrive Global, Origin and many more national media.

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