Amber Rae

AIRED: October 8, 2018


In CHOOSE WONDER OVER WORRY: Move Beyond Fear and Doubt to Unlock Your Full Potential, artist, speaker and “Millenial Motivator” Amber Rae uncovers how your relationship with your most uncomfortable emotions can either lead you to numb out and stay small, or guide you back to your center.

Amber is no stranger to the consequences of ignoring her own emotions. As she rose through the ranks in the digital agency world, the gold rush of Silicon Valley, and her own foray into entrepreneurship, Amber was numbing her worry, fear, and doubts with alcohol, addiction, and by hustling for approval.

It was only when she transformed her life into a laboratory for self-discovery—treating herself as a “guinea pig”— that Amber learned how to work with these emotions, instead of against them.

CHOOSE WONDER OVER WORRY is your invitation to take a journey within and to dialogue with the self saboteur
that is worry, so you can access your inner wisdom and unleash your potential.

Though raw yet relatable personal essays, aha moments and journaling prompts, Amber guides you to uncover the ways your unexplored emotions are leading you to numb out, procrastinate, and hold yourself back in your life, career, and relationships.

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