Cindy Stulberg - Feeling Better

LIVE: January 7, 2019

SPECIAL GUEST: Cindy Stulberg

For years, the first line of defense for depression has been pharmaceuticals, but in Feeling Better: Beat Depression and Improve Your Relationships with Interpersonal Psychotherapy, psychologists and authors Cindy Goodman Stulberg and Ronald J. Frey, PhD, say that it is actually our relationships that offer the most effective path to healing.

Feeling Better offers a step-by-step exploration of a research-proven approach called interpersonal psychotherapy, or IPT, that helps individuals deal with the issues contributing to their unhappiness, instead of relying solely on drugs, which may have harmful side effects. The book is divided into weeks, rather than chapters, as a way of being true to IPT, which is a short-term therapy that asks individuals to work on particular tasks in a particular order over eight to twelve sessions. Each week introduces a new topic, teaches new skills, and offers tools and resources to help readers practice those skills.

Knowing that depression is an illness as legitimate as any physical ailment, Feeling Better helps readers get clarity around the four main areas in life that can be contributing factors to why people feel sad, blue, down, and depressed: life transitions, complicated grief, interpersonal conflict, or social isolation. By finding clarity about these aspects of their lives, they can go on to make the changes they need to feel better. The book also helps readers improve their existing relationships and develop the skills they need to make new connections that are meaningful and supportive


Cindy Goodman Stulberg is a psychologist who has counseled individuals, couples, groups, and families for more than 40 years. She is coauthor of Feeling Better and codirector of the Institute for Interpersonal Psychotherapy with Ronald J. Frey, PhD. Cindy lives in Toronto, Ontario

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Gabriella Van RijElson Haas, MD
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