Jamison Monroe

By Saleem Rana

Interview by Allen Cardoza and Dr. Melody Fox
October 29, 2012

Jamison Monroe joined Allen Cardoza and Dr. Melody Foxx on the “Answers for the Family” talk show, which can be heard on LA Talk radio. The topic was about what parents can do when their teens indulge in substance abuse. The guest explained that substance abuse extended beyond just street drugs and alcohol, and included psychotropic drugs prescribed by physicians.

About Jamison Monroe

Jamison founded Newport Academy as a place that offers compassionate support and effective treatment for teens battling substance abuse issues.

Despite an excellent private school education and a supportive family, Jamison coped with the pressure of having to get good grades and perform well in sports by getting addicted to Adderall, a prescription drug that combines amphetamine and dextroamphetamine to stimulate the central nervous system.  Jamison believes this drug is overprescribed for any symptoms that might indicate attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD).

His road to recovery began after he was admitted to a treatment center that helped him by providing personalized, comprehensive and holistic treatment.  The treatment plan, which allowed him to safely address his individual issues while balancing family therapy, would later become the inspiration for creating Newport Academy.

Teen Addiction

Jamison explained how the abuse of prescription drugs was the number one cause of teen deaths.  Teenagers either overdosed on the drug because of their mood enhancing properties or they added MAO inhibitors to help them calm down from the effects of central nervous system stimulants.  The result of this dangerous drug interaction between stimulants and depressants could lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, organ failure, anxiety, agitation, or even death.

Jamison strongly believes in educating families so that they can more effectively help their children with addiction issues – including understanding that just because a doctor prescribed a drug, it was not always a safe choice.  He also discussed what parents can do to help their teens when they were making dangerous choices.  He provided listeners with trustworthy information about the many issues associated with teen addiction.

In addition, Jamison offered a brief description of the gender-specific, comprehensive treatment programs for adolescents provided by Newport Academy.  He described the program as a combination of the key factors necessary for effectively treating adolescent boys and girls suffering from mental health, behavioral health and substance abuse issues.

To hear more about Newport Academy and how to identify if your child is “at risk”, listen to this interview in its entirety by going to:



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