Concussions and other brain injuries are increasingly of interest to the public due to news stories about professional football players who have suffered them with devastating effects. But ordinary people, including one in five teenagers, also sustain these injuries that can cause headaches, nausea, dizziness, insomnia, depression, vision problems, lack of concentration, and other troubling symptoms. The personal impact of brain injuries extends to the injured person’s family and the financial burden on society exceeds $60 billion per year.

Susana Stoica, Ph.D., wrote her book, Heal Your Brain, Reclaim Your Life, to share the lessons she learned from her own over 15‐year recovery from two traumatic brain injuries that happened the same day. Her uphill battle was difficult and she made mistakes which she wanted to help others avoid.

She was lucky. A born energy healer, at the time of her trauma she already had more than 15 years of experience in helping others to recover from brain injuries. She says about her experience “it provided me the knowledge necessary to limit the effects of my own trauma and eventually led me to define my own recovery program detailed in my books.”

As an engineer with a PhD in designing computers with brain cell-like circuits, and a lifelong work in developing advanced technologies, Susana Stoica’s experience and practical and easy-to-understand view of energy healing helps people help themselves if they suspect or are given a certain diagnosis. Her over 30 years as a healer working in collaboration with doctors presented her with the opportunity of working with many illnesses, like ALS, Autism Spectrum/Asperger’s, and lately with the different stages of COVID-19: initial infection, being on a ventilator, and working with the effects of having been on a for a ventilator for a long time.


Malcolm Stern has worked as a group and individual psychotherapist for more than 30 years. He is Co-Director and Co-founder of Alternatives at St James’ Church in London and runs groups internationally.
His approach involves finding where the heart is and helping individuals access their truth. His London One Year Group is the centerpiece of his work and has been successfully operating since 1990. In it, he creates an environment of trust, integrity, and community, where participants can become skilled in relationships, communication, and managing difficult conversations. The ultimate learning is to Slay your dragons with compassion.

Malcolm co-presented the Channel 4 series on relationships Made for Each Other in 2003 and 2004

Malcolm’s new book Slay Your Dragons with Compassion describes 10 practices for thriving in an unstable world, all distilled from his thirty years of intense group work. The book is filled with practical exercises, which are combined with real and compelling stories from the therapy room. Malcolm will present at a book launch at Alternatives on Monday 19 October.

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