The cells in our bodies are not independent units. They do not control their own feeding, elimination, migration, or reproduction; they are controlled by signals from the extracellular matrix (ECM) that surrounds them. This all-encompassing inner ocean unifies all our cells and controls them in a coordinated and integrated fashion.

Matthew Wood’s new book, How the Extracellular Matrix Unifies and Controls Health in Holistic Treatment reveals the stunning implications of the extracellular matrix. Wood shows how it clearly explains the actions and efficacy of holistic therapies. He explores the ground-breaking research of Alfred Pischinger, who discovered the ECM in 1975, as well as the role of the matrix in transmitting and enacting the genetic code, including the roles of the mitochondria, the nucleus, and ribosomes.

Wood explores how the matrix builds and repairs itself and investigates the complex processes and components involved in the self-healing of wounds and traumas. He also explains how modern drugs, directed at specific receptors on the cell membrane, interfere with bodily self-regulation.

Don’t miss this amazing interview in which Matthew sheds new light on time-old wisdom in which many holistic practitioners had already intuited the existence of the extracellular matrix, as well as how holistic therapies, past and present, modify the environment of the cell and strengthen the whole, bringing the body back to homeostasis and consequently offering true healing.


Matthew Wood has been a practicing herbalist for over thirty-five years. An internationally known author and lecturer in the field, he holds a Master of Science degree in herbal medicine from the Scottish School of Herbal Medicine.

A professional member of the American Herbalists Guild, he is the author of several books, including The Earthwise Herbal and The Book of Herbal Wisdom. He lives in Spring Valley, Wisconsin.

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