
AIRED: July 31, 2023

SPECIAL GUEST: Lynn Hightower

Lynn Hightower

The Beautiful Risk, (August 1, 2023, Canongate/Severn House, ISBN 9781448309931) by internationally bestselling author Lynn Hightower, is an intelligent, provocative, sexy standalone thriller. It’s a story of the collateral damage of grief, the adrenalin of revenge; it’s the story of corruption and greed, of eco-terrorism. Above all, it’s a romantic suspense story, a love story, a tale of courage and of mending a broken heart. It’s a complex tale about a woman desperate to uncover the truth, and its co-star is a most wonderful, heroic German shepherd

After nine months of sorrow and grief, Junie Lagarde — a brilliant forensic accountant and passionate guitarist — is gradually accepting life without her beloved husband Olivier, a French safety consultant and climate-change expert, whom she lost in a plane crash over Mont Blanc. Was it really an accident? And what happened to her loyal hearing dog Leo, who ran off in the aftermath of the crash, disappearing into the dangerous mountain terrain? But then Junie receives an unexpected call from France… Capitaine Philippe Brevard, the man in charge of investigating Olivier’s death, has seen recent CCTV footage which shows Leo being held by a man who closely resembles Olivier — right down to his distinctive jacket. It’s not Olivier. It can’t be… can it? But who is the man — and what else is Capitaine Brevard hiding from her?

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