An unimaginable tragedy suddenly and unexpectedly placed Jim Rafferty in a demanding volunteer leadership role. The story of how that shattered organization picked up the pieces and not only survived but thrived forms the basis of Leader by Accident.

Just as suddenly let go a few years later from the job he’d held for more than two decades, Jim came to realize that the challenges and lessons he’d encountered as a youth leader had applications far beyond scouting. He used those experiences to fuel a successful journey into entrepreneurship.

As a Scoutmaster, Jim imparted dozens of bite-sized chunks of inspiration and life advice to the young men of the troop. Leader by Accident transforms those lessons into life advice for business leaders.


Jim Rafferty is a marketing and communications consultant and Principal of JMRketing, LLC, in Baltimore, Maryland where he resides. A former radio announcer and program director, Jim now puts three decades of marketing experience to work helping businesses communicate better, writing in a conversational and entertaining style. He’s also a former Boy Scout leader, the story of which serves as the catalyst for Leader by Accident.

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