Paul Aubin, Secrets of the Father

AIRED: November 7, 2016– 11 am PST


TITLE: “Secrets of the Father, A true story of a search for his birth parents that lead to a scandalous cover-up”



At five years of age, Paul Aubin was informed by his parents that he was an adopted child. He couldn’t believe what his “parents” were telling him; they weren’t his birth parents, the Aubin’s adopted Paul from a home for unwed mothers in New England when they found out they couldn’t have children.

Paul went on to lead a relatively normal life in the 60’s and 70’s growing up on Long Island, New York. He didn’t give much thought to the circumstances surrounding his adoption until a health scare later in life motivated him to go on a search to find his birth parents. A journey that would be filled with twists and turns leading to a major cover-up to protect the identity of Paul’s birth parents involved in a scandal within the Catholic Church.

In his autobiography, Secrets of the Father, Paul speaks to the missing pieces of the identity puzzle that many adoptees experience. He shares with our audience their sense of abandonment and rejection by their birth parents, trying to answer the question “Who am I”, and the mystery of not knowing any links to your past or family origin. This has life-long implications. Paul’s personal journey is absolutely amazing with an outcome that you aren’t going to believe.


Paul is originally from New England and spent most of his younger years on Long Island just outside of New York City. He attended The Ohio State University for his undergraduate degree and then attended Duke Business School for post-graduate studies. He moved to Orange County, California in 1981 where he currently resides with his beautiful wife Margaret. They are blessed with 7 children and 5 grandchildren.

Paul began his professional career in the corporate world of the pharmaceutical industry where he spent 25 years with several Fortune 100 companies in a variety of leadership roles within business development, sales, and marketing. In 2009 Paul retired from the corporate world to pursue his entrepreneurial desires.

While Paul was building his career and companies, he felt a perpetual tug to further explore his faith. Paul spent 10 years in a variety of leadership roles within the men’s ministry of Saddleback Church.

Paul started a new chapter in his life at Convene where he feels God is calling him to lead, develop, and inspire kingdom leaders of influence in the workplace.

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