JW Wilson, founder of The Learning Code Institute and author of Cracking the Learning Code, states that study after study has shown that the greater the meaning in one’s life, the faster he/she will learn. So, why doesn’t traditional education support this process? JW points to the fact that traditional education’s singular focus on “information” delivery does not allow our children to access the deeper dimensions of what is meaningful in learning. As a result, we have thrust millions of children into a personal learning crisis.

He believes that the methods used in The Learning Code have the ability to quickly transform the status quo, which is why it has been called a Disruptive Innovation. In order to find personal meaning and transform a person’s existing neurological structures that turn new knowledge into memories, The Learning Code utilizes what JW terms, “The Cycle of Transformation”. This new scientific approach involves a four-stage process: Stage 1 – Information, Stage 2 – Action, Stage 3 – Feedback, and Stage 4 – Incubation.

Join us as JW shares the critical role each stage plays and why The Learning Code Science is quickly proving to be the missing piece in the field of education and behavioral change. As Dr. Jeanette Vos, Cofounder of the National Institute for Teaching Excellence so aptly expresses, “Cracking the Learning Code validates, from a scientific perspective, what I have discovered from my 30 years of research into the world’s most successful educational systems. This knowledge needs to be made available worldwide.”


JW Wilson is the Executive Director of The Learning Code Institute, an organization that researches, develops, and implements scientific-based learning programs. JW is also the author of the soon-to-be-published book Cracking the Learning Code, the culmination of over 20 years of scientific research into how to accelerate the Learning Code and enhance its effectiveness. The key finding is that each one of us has a genetically implanted Learning Code, which must be turned on before we can create long-term memory and behavioral change. JW’s passion, in fact his crusade, is to bring this essential knowledge to the world.

He has developed and managed many businesses, including corporate training firms serving Fortune 500 clients such as IBM and AT&T. In the 1990s, JW was president of one of the world’s leading accelerated learning companies. He has owned the largest magazine marketing development firm in the Pacific region, developed the country’s only holistic treatment center accredited by the prestigious Joint Hospital Commission, produced over 1000 television shows and commercials was a founder of Convention Television, the Managing Director of the Veterinary Institute of Integrative Medicine (www.viim.org) and The Insulite Laboratories (www.healir.com). His diverse background has placed him in Who’s Who in Medicine and Health Care, Who’s Who in Science and Engineering, Who’s Who in Finance and Industry, Who’s Who in America, and Who’s Who in the World.

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