According to NASA contrails are clouds formed when water vapor condenses and freezes around small particles (aerosols) that exist in aircraft exhaust. Some of that water vapor comes from the air around the plane; and, some is added by the exhaust of the aircraft. Their formation is based on altitude, temperature, and moisture. (

In what can only be described as an “in-plain-site” attempt to manipulate our skies for the benefit of technology and weather manipulation, these harmless contrails have been rapidly replaced by their evil twin – chemtrails spewing aluminum and barium and other toxic to life chemical. When asking if there is proof on the ground, the alarming new evidence can no longer be ignored:

  1. In 2008, samples around California’s Lake Shasta and the Pit River Arm tributary were tested in a State Certified Lab following weeks of fly-overs and chemtrails. The results of the water samples showed 4,610,000 parts per million of aluminum — 4610 times the maximum contaminant level!
  2. At another pond, filled with filtered water and confirmed to contain “0” aluminum, a test revealed 375,000 parts per million of aluminum (375 times the maximum contaminant level) after only 18 months exposure to the aerial spraying.
  3. The usually pristine snowpack from the Ski Bowl area of Mt. Shasta showed 61,000 parts per million of aluminum!

In Jana Dixon’s new book, Thrival in the Chemtrail Holocaust: Youthifying From Within, she describes the horrific damage she has personally witnessed to the trees in one of the most beautiful and diverse areas of our country – Colorado’s Front Range.

Jana’s user-friendly manual addresses everything you might wish to know about prevention, detoxification, recovery, and how we must create antioxidant and rejuvenating effects to stop and/or reverse these effects on our bodies. It also provides instructions on how to easily identify and correct the serious health impact from of chemtrail flue, respiratory system damage, inflammation, Alzheimers and dementia, heavy metals and aluminu

m poisoning, as well as how we can ALL join the fight for the preservation and regeneration of this remarkable planet.


Author Jana Dixon is a Transition Culture Innovator and regeneration researcher focused on integral spiritual development toward a life lived in the world-centric/world-saving mode. Jana Dixon grew up in idyllic New Zealand and started writing as a path to understanding and personal truth. The beauty and soul-of-the-land in New Zealand imparts kiwis with a deep sense of “Shambhala,” that is of how things might be if humanity was further along in its path.

Observing the foibles and perils of contemporary civilization compelled Jana to research the foundations of our species disease and dysfunction, with the goal of inquiring into raising our personal sovereignty and creative/spiritual realization. Her interest in psychic and spiritual phenomena emerged through two kundalini awakenings that blew the lid off of her 3D reality and illuminated her exploration of spiritual evolution and the science of metamorphosis…or expanded states of awareness and transcendental, mystical consciousness.

As we regenerate our physical body and the planet we deepen in consciousness and in doing so we gain even greater knowledge of ourselves and how to best promote Life in the Universe. Each of us has a principal duty to inner expansion, towards new possibilities and the unfolding of new more preferred realities. As we grow, we experience new levels of freedom, joy and creative ways to experience our journey and go deeper into being our true SELF.

Jana is the author of Biology of Kundalini, Inner Arts Practicum, Thrival in the Chemtrail Holocaust and 20 more future books centered around maximizing the experience of being HUman.

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