Razia Khan

AIRED: August 5, 2019


Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a set of tools which utilize the language of the mind to access the individuality of our thinking processes. This process, in turn, gives us control over our lives and the ability to transform our world, hence it is the study of excellence that every woman and man should know!

Some of the uses of NLP include personal and business transformations, and education enhancements.

Razia Khan believes NPL enables and empowers people to realize and operate at their true potential. She shares with our audience that by ridding ourselves of negative emotions and limiting beliefs, our values become congruent, inspiring motivation and positivity. Razia states, “When you understand yourself you start to understand the world. You also remove blockages that are keeping you from growth in all aspects of your life, personally and professionally. Whatever you think you are, you are more than that!”

Join us as Razia explains that individuals, families, communities and societies can grow strong and flourish on they cultivate and embrace their independence and self-sufficiency. She encourages all of us to explore the power NLP as an important tool in this effort, because it is easy to implement in our daily lives, logical, and its impact results in radical transformations. In short, NLP is a miraculous gift to mankind!


Our guest today is Razia Khan. She has over 20 years of Business Consulting experience serving Fortune 100/Fortune 500 companies around the globe. Her expertise includes Information Security. She is also a Master Coach, and Trainer of Hypnosis and Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, a.k.a. NLP.

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