Louise Fox - Etiquette Ladies

By Saleem Rana

Interview by Allen Cardoza and Art Torres 
July 9, 2012

Louise Fox, founder of Etiquette Experts, a group dedicated to teaching children manners, respect and consideration for others, discussed with Answers For The Family’s radio talk show host Allen Cardoza and co-host Art Torres why and how manners are an essential skill in society.

The radio show talked about how children and possibly adults should consider manners and social graces as necessary for their confidence and success in the modern world.  Those who don’t learn these basic social skills do not feel comfortable in society and may fail to achieve their maximum potential in their careers.  Unfortunately, as compared to twenty years ago, societal changes, advancing technology, and shrinking family quality time has resulted in an increase in rudeness and social disorder.


Louise is a recognized Canadian etiquette expert.  She is a member of Toronto’s prestigious Verity Club and the Company of Women.  As the owner and host of MannersTV.com, an online video-based etiquette training website, she has helped teach leadership and business etiquette worldwideIn addition, she has helped families teach etiquette to children, adolescents and youth.

Why Manners Still Matter

Although society has changed considerably over the past few decades, the benefits of social graces cannot be dispensed with at all.  There is a power to politeness.  Someone who has learned dining etiquette, for example, can conduct themselves with poise in a formal dining situation whether it is at a prestigious restaurant or a company party.  First impressions do matter, and they are conveyed by learning how to meet, greet, and introduce people; how to speak politely on the telephone; how to behave gracefully in a restaurant; and how to show courtesy for a favor through simple gestures like Thank You cards.

The show discussed how social factors like overwhelmed parents, single parenting, too little time, and ubiquitous telecommunication devices had gradually eroded manners in America.  It also reviewed the many benefits of early childhood training in manners and the immense value of parents modeling politeness and respect for their children.

Final Thoughts

Although we seldom think about it, an understanding of etiquette and how to conduct oneself gracefully through social settings is a powerful discipline.  It not only shapes our relationships, but also affects our success in personal and business life.

If you would like to learn more about Louis Fox and her invaluable tips on etiquette, please visit Allen Cardoza’s blog, where you can listen to the interview in its entirety on Answers4thefamilyblog.com (link: http://answersforthefamily.com/etiquette-ladies-oh-behave-what-parents-and-kids-learning-manners-louise-fox/)


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