Rich Allen

Rich Allen was fortunate enough to work for some of the world’s largest corporations and have met a great many wonderful people giving me some amazing memories. But having recently lost his father and father in-law, he have decided to leave the corporate world and is now on a journey of writing books about losing a loved one.

Rich was raised in a religious family, and holds strong religious beliefs but he is also open-minded, and as strong as his faith is, he also lean upon logic, facts, and common sense. At the early age of 16, Rich had a longing to become a priest but it never came to pass. His parents were shocked at the time but his life went in a different direction.

He believes that each and every one of us goes through life in a unique and special way. Whether we realize it or not, we are shown messages and signs, given skills and gifts, all of which can help us through the good times and bad. It is his hope to write and share not only his experiences but also the research he has completed and the interviews he has conducted.

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